What Industries Use PDF Merging and Why?
Many industries have used Portable Document Format (FDF) since the 1990s. Before this period, professionals were struggling to maintain fixed formatting. But there are many reasons different industries use PDF merging. They often consider the type of documents and their purposes before deciding whether to merge them into a single file or not. Here are the main types of documents or industries that use PDF merging and the reasons:
Projects with Teams Involved
Industries that manage projects with teams involved often find it necessary to merge their PDF documents. Project managers submit different reports. For example, builders, environmental agencies, engineers, and architects often submit various reports when here is a proposal for new housing development. The original proposal documents also need to be kept safely. If all of these files are in different formats, they can be converted to PDF and then merged to make the presentation easy.
Estate Agents
Whenever estate agents want to lease property, they create lots of forms for their potential clients to fill and send back before proceeding with other issues on the rental agreement. Tenants can fill in the forms and save them in PDF. They can then merge and submit them to the landlord to save everyone’s time.
Archived Documents
Many organizations, such as records libraries, have large volumes of files saved as separate documents. With the emergence of PDF merging tools, these organizations can now start merging them into a single document. This way, they help researchers to save a lot of time trying to locate the right information.
Job Applications
If you want to submit your job application and have several documents to upload, many problems may arise. The employer can ignore the attachments, which may reduce your chances of success. Many employers, however, state that you should submit a single attachment. Since you have to email your resume, some certificates, portfolio, and recommendation letter to stand out from the crowd, you need to find the best strategy to handle your multiple uploads. Technology has made it easy. You can merge the PDF files into a single document and then seamlessly upload it.
Scanned Documents
If you scan a large volume of content, such as 30 pages of a book, you will find it best to make it a single file. Also, a technical issue may interrupt the scanning process. If that happens, you need to save the pages that you have already scanned. After scanning your documents, you can convert the images into PDF and merge them into a single PDF file to mitigate the risks.
Final Thoughts
Since almost all PDF applications provide the “Merge PDF’ feature, you have no reason to save your essential digital files as separate files. From our experience, many people do not use this feature. They do not know the benefits of combining PDF files. They lose a lot of time and resources. We decided to shed some light on the types of documents and industries that can reap the benefits of combining PDFs, so you can start taking advantage of the PDF feature.
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- PDF Format - Different Versions, History of PDF
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